Spatial Analysis, GIS Projects and Training, Drone Photography, Database Administration

Why are Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Important in any Spatial Projects?

GIS can have an impact on your life without you ever knowing it, a computer application designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyse, manage, and present a variety of spatial data. GIS technology is often used in urban planning as a tool to manage infrastructure, public access to amenities and impacts people living in the area in many ways. The benefits of using a GIS in urban planning are numerous, because GIS is able to analyse and compare numerous variables to help model an efficient and equitable living whilst minimising impacts on the local environment.

Smart Maps to make Smart Decisions

Planning at both Federal, State and Regional level requires large dynamic data sets which can easily be assembled and shown in either a single map or a series of maps. Each of these layers has different types of information and data associated with it. A municipal planning committee can use a GIS to see a variety of different things, including prime agricultural land, surface water, high flood frequency, and highly erodible land. This multilayered capability is used to identify optimum areas for development using Criteria Based Mapping and by the same technique protected areas which should be preserved.

Operational Effectiveness

GIS is an analytical tool to help make smart business decisions based location and various critical parameters. The quality of the Spatial data is key, GIS can not only help a business run more efficiently it is used by Governments and Multi National Corporations alike to ensure efficient use of vital resources such as access to schools and community services as well as Urban Planning to identify environmentally sensitive areas or flood plains to minimise disturbance and risk to public safety, on that theme GIS data is also accepted as a key tool in preparing for Disaster Management.